Tentacles of any kind terrify me. Especially from those dreadful 100 legged critters from back home – The Centipede. I KNOW they are Beelzebub’s doing. There is just no logical reason those things need to exist. There are, however, some tentacles I don’t need a war plan for — those from squid. Yes, THOSE tentacles, […]
An Introduction to Puerto Rican Cuisine by Yvette Ali (from the Tezzy Files)
I met this really sweet and cool blogger about 6 months ago at media lunch for the BBC Good Food Show and I promised her a guest blog with a Puerto Rican dish. I FINALLY got around to writing it for her and here it is. I really loved how it turned out! You can […]
Cauliflower Curiosities

I’m crazy for cauliflower. There are so many cool ways of preparing this lovely, versatile cruciferous vegetable — which is a healthy alternative to potatoes if you are trying to do a low-carb diet. You can roast it, steam it, mash it, puree it, fry it, and even make it into pizza dough. You can […]
Butter Chicken 101
As much as this island girl loves her Caribbean food, the beautiful thing about living here in Dubai is having the opportunity to relish in all the international dishes available just about everywhere you turn. I love Butter Chicken so I decided to make my own! I absolutely love this mildly spiced curry dish with its […]