Life has interesting and sudden turns. I did not plan to be in Louisiana nor NOLA, but here I am in Cajun Country, taking in new sights, sounds, and flavors. I can justify planning any trip just by the mere fact that there will be good eating. That’s all you need to tell me, and […]
One Helluva Busy Summer
Summer of 2016 was a summer of big plans for us. We had LOTS to do for our parents, kids, us and just accumulated business to take care of while we were in the U.S. Not unusual. This is the typical expat’s life when they go home each year. There is always stuff to take […]
Lady and Mister’s Jordanian Adventure
Him (via WhatsApp): Weather check. How are you feeling? My reply: Still crappy. Him: Well, I guess you’re not going to Jordan then. My reply: Whaaaat? No, I’m fine, actually. 😀 So this is how we ended up on our impromptu visit to Jordan for a few days. Sent from his job to do routine […]
Do Expats Ever Stop Comparing?

Do Expats Ever Stop Comparing? Of course not. Why? Because that’s the fun in it. We all do it and for most of us, it’s in tongue-in-cheek. It’s only when we become obsessive with it and let existing differences make us miserable that it becomes a problem. But to me, it’s those differences — good […]
No, It’s Not a Weapon…It’s an Olive Tray

Most of us expats are veterans at leaving things behind. Amidst the containers of stuff stored, sold, or given away, there is always one or more thing we manage to hoard. I think every one of us has a little kitchen treasure we salvaged from the “big move” to a far away land. Mine was […]